I've been reading everyone's blogs today, and wow, all of you have so much to say. Why is that? You guys have issues? Or are you guys just very good at discussing the finer and sometimes not so fine things in life? You guys really dig thinking out loud and putting yourselves in deep thought. I admire that.
Me? I suck at this. Well, actually I do think a lot. But putting it in here? Not so good at it. I used to be good, but I lost it. I didn't run out of issues, I just ran out of a genius mind to spar with about them. I mean, I just read a comment on an entry that was good enough to be an entry on its own.
Anyway, there's a reason why I'm writing this. It's facebook, the new fad on webspace that is becoming more popular than myspace. It's like myspace, but it's a place where you can play thousands of games with your friends, and you can add people that can be total strangers without having to worry that they're some porn star trying to sell you their videos. You get that on myspace.
So on facebook, I get to have lots of fun. Now, for a 31 year old guy like me, it just doesn't sound right, does it? I should be at a point where this stuff is considered child's play. But hell, I mature too slow. There's a kid inside of me that still wants to play. Anyway, there's a particular game on facebook that is rather addictive. It's fun, but oh so very cruel. It's called Knighthood.
In Knighthood, you get to build your own kingdom, and get your friends to be your servants or soldiers. The best part is, they don't have to add the game to their profile if they don't want to. But if they do, they get a higher rank in your kingdom, and that gives you more power to play with. The task is to build your kingdom and rise to the top, when you reach a certain level, your rank will change from Knight to Baron, then to Viscount. You can do so by building your fort, marketplace and castle, and attacking other players and stealing their gold and kidnapping their soldiers to add to your own, thereby making you stronger.
This is the aspect of the game that is the hardest to control. The war against other players. Attacking never ends amongst us. That is the point, I realize that. But defending yourself and counter attacking somehow is nearly impossible. The rules make it hard to do so without a high cost. I am telling you that it's very frustrating to watch your kingdom come together, only to see others tear it apart. I've lost many soldiers already. Good ones too. The ones with ranks. And although I am in awe of the game and addicted to it in some way, I can see now just how much I suck at it.
I wish I could stop playing, but I don't know. I'm not a quitter, never will be. I want to keep fighting, and see how far I can still go. It's heartbreaking, actually. It's like wanting to forget a really awesome girl, but you can't.
Bored yet reading all of this? I'm sure you are, you guys have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about, or you just don't care. That's OK, right now I don't have any serious issues.
But I do wish I had something more meaty to debate about than a mere game. For that I envy the rest of you.
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