Saturday, February 23, 2008
So since I don't really have an issue to talk about, or complain about, let me just talk about stuff off the top of my head, some are opinions, some are about current events.
- Heath Ledger passed away a few weeks ago. I remember putting his picture up on this blog the other day, and now he's gone. It's unfortunate, of course, since he's well on his way to making a name for himself in Hollywood, with his role as The Joker in the Batman sequel. I'm now looking forward even more to The Dark Knight this coming July.
- I have a new manager in the office. What about the old one? Well, he's gone. Someone higher up the food chain decided that it's time for a change. And I welcome it. I don't really like talking about other people, but let's just say that my old manager wasn't very good at his job. I wasn't really into his managing style. The new guy is okay, so far. I hope it stays that way. After all, frequent management changes isn't going to look well for us in the long run, and he's the 3rd manager we've had in a year.
- The Amazing Race Asia is finally over. Congrats to Team Singapore for winning the prize. Damn. I was actually rooting for Team Philippines, but they stumbled at the last task and came in third (sorry to tell you this, Rhea). But I thoroughly enjoyed this season. If there's any reality show I love following, it's The Amazing Race. I'd love to be a part of it someday, though I don't know if I'll be good enough for it. Oh, congratulations also to Team Malaysia for coming in second. Well done, Pam and Van;)
- My Chinese New Year was quiet, but you know what? I actually got a lot of red packets this year. Haha! This is the payoff from working at a condominium. You get to meet a lot of people, you get to help them, and they remember you and give us something back. Well, okay. It wasn't that much, to be honest. But it beats working at the old office. I think this place actually is less stressful for me. And the people I work with are really nice, so it's been great.
- I am still thinking of that girl. Many times I wish I could see her again. I do know that it's unhealthy to miss her this much. And it's not good to hope to see her face in the crowd when I hang out at the mall. But I can't help it. I keep praying our paths will cross again. But I don't even know if she'll remember me.
- The past few weeks spent online made me discover that there are a lot of people out there with problems. Some write about it, some talk about it, some take out their rage on office equipment (man, that is insane). And as some of you know, some people just go and shoot other people dead. What's the world coming to? I mean, this is not because of what they watched on TV, because everyone watches the same thing, more or less. This is because of mental stress, or the inability to manage their anger, or just the complete lack of compassion and logic in their mind. There are a lot of people out there who need help. Seriously.
- I was really happy to talk to an old friend online last week. I missed her so much, and finally I got to speak with her. I realize that it will probably be a long time before I talk to her again, since she's so busy and all. But that's okay, I know she's always worth the time. She hasn't changed, and that's why I'll always have a special place in my heart for her.
I think that will do for now. It still doesn't sound like much, does it? Well, that's ok, I'm just warming up.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
What Else Is There?
That's the question in my mind that begs for an answer right now. What else is there to do, when there's no one left to talk to? Where is everyone? Hmm. I guess they're all busy. But that's ok, I've been busy too. Before and after the holidays.
So what do I do? One word: Facebook! Yup. The brand new fad that may replace myspace as the place to be. It's a lot like myspace, but it comes with lots of games and activities to keep yourself busy. I'm trying my best to not get addicted.
And then there's TV. I recently watched the Grammys, and the one thing that is evident every year
(this was when the lights went out, and the moment I realised we had a blackout, hence the sudden stop there lol)
So where was I? Oh, right. The one thing evident every year at the Grammys is the performances. They keep trying to top the previous year. Beyonce and Tina Turner took the stage together, while Alicia Keys dueted with a Frank Sinatra recording, then later with John Mayer, though John just played guitar. But it doesn't quite top last year's collaboration by Linkin Park, Jay Z & Paul McCartney. Brilliant.
I'd tell you more about what I'm watching on TV, but I think I'd better end this post before another blackout cuts me off. I'll leave you with this movie trailer. Happy Valentine's Day to you.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Pretty Faces

You know, when I think of her roots, I keep thinking that Ira & Michael's kids may look like her someday. I think that's cool.
(Wow, I just used the word 'think' 5 times. I need to find a better word.)
Anyway, I seem to have a thing for pretty faces and good looks. Most men would, right? Not that we're shallow or anything. It's just the way we are. A pretty face would grab my attention almost immediately. Uh huh. But then, we all know and admit that it's what inside that counts. Good manners. Good attitude. The caring kind. The ones who will not break your heart. THAT'S real beauty.
Only God knows how few of them I've met in my 31 years of life. People like that are so hard to find, and more difficult to forget. That's the story of my life. Dreams that remain dreams.
OK, I'm done being pathetic. Moving on.
Speaking of faces, I went to the post office today. The one at the mall. I've not been to this particular branch in months, ever since I changed jobs. And the odd thing was, the lady behind the counter recognised me. Wow. I was aware that she knew me from the numerous times I had been there in the past, but the fact that she actually remembered my face after a long time was uncanny. Some people are blessed with good memory banks. And a kind soul too. God bless her.
Chinese New Year is coming in 5 days. Getting busy with the shopping, the cleaning and the preparing. And then there's the office work. No rest for the wicked.
I hope everyone else is in good health and spirit. Take care.