So what was my week like? Hmm, it didn't get off to a very good start, to be honest. Some things went wrong, some people had to make me cross, some people got cross with me, I did some stupid things, and MSN was really crappy all week. Most of these things are trivial, but lots of times I just lose it and let my anger and frustration take over. I shouldn't do that, I know I'm better than that.
And in all honesty, there was a moment when I felt really lonely, like there was no one there for me when I needed someone to count on. I guess not everyone can be there for us when we need them. But that's okay, in some ways it makes you stronger when you have to face the world by yourself. You need to stand on your own and arm yourself for whatever that's coming. And I am lucky to have good people beside me to teach me a thing or two. I have learned a lot from them, and I am thankful for that.
So what's good about this week? Well, one of my all time favourite TV shows, E.R. is back. On reruns haha. But that's ok, I haven't watched it for a long time, so now I can start over and enjoy it all over again. What else? I got a Christmas card in the mail, tusen takk;) (you know who you are) And MSN seems to be working again, though I don't know for how long.
By the way, do you like that picture? I love it. From the moment I saw it, I knew I had to have it. That's the cover to the next hardcover volume of Justice the comicbook. On the left you'll recognise the famous heroes of the Justice League, and on the right are their respective foes. A brilliant piece of artwork by Alex Ross.
Just a few days away from an important day, though in some ways it's not that important. But don't mind me. Thanks for reading.
It is an important day! The day you were born :) It's both important and a very special occasion! Yuppie ♥ Only 3 more days to go...yey! =D
Have a good week storebror!!
got cake?
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