So here I am, less than 8 hours away from a new year. Looking back, I don't really know how to sum up 2006. Maybe it's because the things that happen in my life seem quite insignificant. I know I am insignificant to most people, but I'd like to think I made a difference or a small impact to some people in this world.
So what do I have to say about this year that's worth mentioning? Well, I'd start with the very thing you're reading right now. I never thought I would be able to carry it this far, but I did. This is FR's 52nd entry, and I'm quite proud of that. I still don't consider myself much of a writer. I guess I'm still working on that.
What else? Yeah, I met these five unique women who have changed the balance of things in my life. They intrigue me, for some reason. I wish I could explain it somehow, but I'm as much in the dark about this as I was when it began. Things between me and them are still uncertain though. I'd like to believe their presence in my life means something, since a considerable portion of my thoughts are focused on them. But only God knows why. Or perhaps this is all just another thing altogether and I'm insane. But it won't be the first time.
I've had some happy moments this year, and sad ones too. And some friendships changed, some for the better, and I'm glad for that. I just hope it'll stay that way, or become even stronger than it is now. In our crazy world, relationships have the tendency to fall apart a whole lot easier than the effort it took to build it. Like it takes only 10 seconds to demolish a building that took 5 years to build. We should remember the people that matter, because someday it could all disappear, and all we have left are memories. So let those memories be good ones.
For 2007, I wish for a better year than the one I'm leaving behind. Hopefully I'll accomplish some things, be able to do what I had always wanted to do, meet some new people, be a better person. I pray that the world will be a better place by this time next year. I know it's just wishful thinking, but I can hope. And I also wish for all my friends and people I care about (you know who you are) to have a good year too. Thank you for coming over and reading my words every week, it means a lot to me.
I'll leave you with a picture from one of the most anticipated movie sequels in 2007, Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer. Happy New Year, everyone. And be good.
Godt nyttår!
And I want you to know that you made a BIG difference in my life.
Glad i deg.
Storebror Aaron.
Thanks hehe, well, actually I just google for pictures lol. Hmm I go to "image search" and search for whatever I am looking for,hmmm like "happy new year", "merry Christmas", "Christmas ornaments", "Fireworks", "angels", "Christmas tree" and so on hehe :o)
Sure lets switch places hehe, I'd be close to Singapore hehe!!
Happy new year!!
Happy New Year Aaron! I wish you all the best in 2007!
women are trouble, let me tell you that. don't get too attached to them. i think i'll get killed now
Mayleen: Ah yes, Singapore. You would definitely want to be there lol.
Anouk: Thank you, I wish the very best to you too.
Tom: I think you've been hanging around talkie for too long. You gotta stop doing that:P
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