Thursday, October 19, 2006


They say ignorance is bliss. Do you think that's true? Well actually, yeah it is. Sort of. But I prefer answering that question with "it depends". It depends on what kind of situation you're in.

Ignoring is actually a very powerful act. It involves closing your senses and saying to yourself "I don't give a damn. I don't care. So get lost already." Or something close to that. If you can keep that up long enough, you can make almost anyone leave you the hell alone. Or make them lose the power they think they have over you. I remember being at a forum a few years ago where someone kept posting porn and vulgarity over and over. He even hacked the page links so that we wouldn't be able to read the threads. So we at the forum decided to ignore him together, and do whatever it takes to push his junk away. And after a while, it worked. He's history. This is what we had to do when moderators were non-existent.

So where in our world does ignorance not work? When you keep trying to do just that but you don't feel the bliss? It's when you don't really want to do it, even when you know it's the right thing to do. Because you just can't say no to it. You can't turn a blind eye and walk away. It's hard because you have no intention of ignoring it, but you know deep down you need to, or the feeling will just eat you alive.

Ignorance isn't working for me right now. Because ignorance means not caring. And that's my problem, because I care too much.

1 comment:

yelly said...

Wouldn't you agree that it's about time they come up with a brain wshing machine?
I so want to forget tons of things that are happening recently, but too bad it's gonna scar me for a good long time.
So no, no advice here. The only thing I will say is, go talk to Desiree