Last night was weird, though. Been spending some time this morning thinking it over. About how some people can surprise you with their attitude. Not that it's a bad thing, but it kinda reminds you that not everything is smooth all the time. Sometimes, you enjoy things too much, and you assume it's all cool. Then it hits you, you realise things can go wrong and it does. But in a realistic sense, it is a good thing when this happens. It reminds you that reality isn't what it seems. Maybe it's just what you thought or hoped it would be, then it turns out it can get a little complicated too.
If I sound confusing to you, well....that's life. I don't have all the answers, though I'm sure a lot of us wish we did. It would be nice if we could see into the future and find out how our lives would turn out, and change the present as we see fit. No such luck for any of us, guess it'd be way too easy.
Anyway, another thing I was reflecting on was my attitude. I don't know, I seem to have this need to fix things. When something goes wrong or doesn't seem right, I'll try to make it better. But it isn't always easy, especially when other people are involved. Not everyone sees your point of view. And not everyone wants you to do anything about it. And more importantly, not everyone wants to change. The thing is, I've never forced anyone to do things they don't want to do. All I can do is encourage, explain or communicate. But I guess what worries me is this need I'm referring to. I can't fix everything, I know that. But I'm having trouble to let the need go. I pray I'm not obsessed just yet though. I'd like to believe I'm not.
If only it was easy to convince others that you mean well. Guess it isn't. But I haven't given up yet.
"You see, this is why I said you remind me of me. I do that a lot too. We are alike, the only difference is you don't take yourself too seriously."
dude, you read my blog, right?
go sleep. rest. i sleep now
Dear Aaron,
"Life is not suppose to be easy, it's just suppose to be worth it".
Words to my soul. Actually, it reminds me what life is all about.
And concerning other people,well, I think everything gets so complicated because we're all so different, and we all see the world with different eyes. Remember that we all swallow words differently, in fact we tend to swallow every letter differently.
Even the good things. A word that may sound sweet to you, may make someone else uncomfortable.
I see it all the time. I guess it depends on how all of us relate to a word? Or how a certain word has affected us in our past?
Yeah, reality can suck. lol. So true.
But do what I do, keep dreaming anyway! Have one part of you dream away and believe in all those things that seem hopeless and impossible. After all.. a dream is a wish your heart makes.
And we all know we should listen to our hearts :)
AND when things turn out more complicated than what you wanted, the reward of understanding it or getting through it, turns out to be so much bigger :)
Yes, we don't have all the answers to life. But I see this as a good thing. That our future is yet unseen. It wouldn't be nice to know that in 2 years you would lose something important to you.
You may say that it would give us time to prepare ourselves or change it. But I say there's no way to prepare yourself for such a thing and you can't change what is meant to be.
Therefore I am glad that all we can do is to live our lives day by day and face it as it comes. Hard as it is when a bad thing happen, as much as it hurts. I don't believe God would give us more than we can handle. God is good. And he is fair. Despite all the bad things happening around the world, I agree, it's hard to see God as good. But I guess we're not meant to understand it all, yet. We're just suppose to keep our faith in Him and believe.
Storebror, I'm glad you got to enjoy your day off. You deserved it!
I hope you're feeling better today :)
I'm sorry I couldn't make it online, and well.. today it's no better.
I am online now, but huge, black clouds are coming closer as I type. Haha. So I am typing in a hurry! =p
And OMG.. the CD has arrived! YahoOooOo! THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much Aaron! :D Thank you thank you thank you!*!*!*! I'm sooo happy now haha! :o)
I guess I will have to thank you more when I see you at MSN!!!!
And ps, you'll see that, in the end everything will be okay! If it's not okay, it's not the end!
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