Thursday, April 2, 2009

Good/Bad Radio Stations & Random Stuff

The Bad:

First of all, how was your April Fool's Day? It doesn't really matter, does it? But I am asking, for a reason.

See, yesterday while I was driving home, a local radio station decided to play an April Fool's prank on air. How, you ask? They played Kelly Clarkson's 'My Life Would Suck Without You' repeatedly for an hour.

Other than one obscure single, I've never liked any of Kelly Clarkson's songs. Especially this one, since it has such a ridiculous title. And this radio station played it for an hour, over an over. After channel flipping for a while, I realised that it's a joke, because of what day it was yesterday. The question that I have to ask is this: Do they seriously think this is funny?

Repeating a song for an hour is their idea of a prank? They even went to the extent of denying anything being wrong when listeners called up enquiring on why the same song was being played for an hour. Great. What a way to turn off your listeners who don't like that song.

You know, I'm pretty sure they chose that song because the annoying female DJ on air at that time likes it so much. But seriously, it's not really about that particular song being chosen so much as the act itself. Think of the number of listeners who would switch to another station just because they got sick of the prank, and even more who don't like that song. Isn't that a loss to them?

And please don't tell me I don't have a sense of humour. I'll laugh if I think something's hilarious. This was just plain stupid, not to mention childish. I mean, do you know anyone above 20 who still play April Fool's pranks?

The Good:

If you lived in my country, you'd realise that the chances of hearing Marit Larsen's music are pretty much from slim to none. That is, until this morning.

On the way to the office, a radio station that loves playing old and sentimental music played Marit's 'If a Song Could Get Me You'. I don't really listen to this channel, it's my sister that loves the stuff they play on air. And it's her car, so she decides. Anyway, hearing Marit's song on air was a pleasant surprise, because there is seriously no possibility of her solo work getting any attention here, considering how she has focused her career in Europe. If anyone here needs to know what Marit is up to, they'd have to Google her.

Lite FM, I still am not a fan of your music, but I salute you for playing that song today. And to be honest, that song was one of my least favourite Marit numbers, but hearing it on air today actually made me smile. Maybe I'll like it more as time goes by.


- Last week, a stray cat walked around my office in the afternoon. It didn't run away when I approached it, so I sensed that it was hungry. My colleague took a biscuit and put it on the ground for the cat, but it didn't take it. So I picked up the biscuit and held it for the cat so it could bite it piece by piece. It only finished half, though. This was probably the first time I did something like this, since I'm not really good with animals. People around the condo who saw the cat told us that the spirit of the guy who jumped off the building the other day (read previous entry) is in the cat. I don't know if they were serious or not.

- On Sunday I was walking out to dispose of some garbage when I tripped over the floor near the staircase. I went down hard. I lay there for a few minutes, trying to pick myself up. I wasn't hurt badly, just a big bruise on my knee. It's the same knee I bruised on vacation last month when I walked into the bed corner. Funny how these things happen nowadays when I'm usually not clumsy.

- I purchased a nice compilation CD over the weekend. 33 rock songs from the late 90s to 2002. For RM15! It used to cost RM47.50. The store must have been trying to clear old stock. But hey, a bargain's a bargain;)

- David Archuleta is coming to town. Ugh. Before you David A fans think I hate the guy, let me clarify that I do not. Yes, I do find him dull and his music suits young teenage girls who love boybands and Jesse McCartney. But I don't hate him. I hate the people who think the world of this guy. His fans have the nerve to call themselves Arch Angels. You gotta be kidding. Trust me when I say this: none of you are even close enough to deserve calling yourselves that. It's an insult to the real word. And I do believe with every fiber of my being, that if David wasn't that adorable, he wouldn't have this many fans drooling over him. I know you'll say he's a great singer, I don't doubt that. I simply doubt you'd love him this much if he looked like that kid from Superbad.

You guys have a great April, it's springtime.


pandanita said...

lol!!! Well, I thought that was funny :p The "prank" that is :p

But I agree with you, it's not a prank, but I bet they annoyed a bunch of people by doing it lol.

pandanita said...

Oh, and I forgot to say : no, I don't pull pranks on people anymore. I never did, I think. Don't see the point with it. did this "tradition" start anyway? I probably heard it before, but I forgot.