Sunday, April 12, 2009


That was the sound I heard as I reversed my sister's car into a pillar when we arrived at the mall yesterday.

Yeah, I know. Very, very stupid.

I'd love to say that I was distracted by my mum, who was arguing with me at the time. But she didn't dent the car, I did. Thankfully my sister got over her anger pretty quick. And the damage was minimal, so I guess it's not as bad as I initially felt it would be.

Other than that, my Saturday was just fine. Watched a movie called Knowing, my review is up on you know where. Got a couple of things I was looking for, stuff to kill time with at home.

Speaking of killing time at home, there is a sudden abundance of TV shows for me to watch now. Even though Lost had just finished its fourth season last week (major bummer), I still got much more to look forward to. If time permits, I will talk about them in here. One at a time.

Later, guys.

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