How was 2007? I think that it was arguably the hardest year of my life. So much has transpired, a lot has changed. A family member fell sick. I was forced to switch jobs (I say forced, because the circumstances left me no other option, and I really didn't want to at the time). I lost a few friends, and gained a few new ones. The girl that I adored so much went away, though I am glad I met her, and still remember her even now. So many different challenges took their best shot at me, and I prayed harder and more often than before.
And where did 2007 leave me? Well, I can't say for sure if I'm a stronger person now than before. Or wiser. But I am glad that I'm still here, writing in this little blog that I almost thought I had no reason left to keep.
I'm still not much of a writer. I'm still trying my best to express myself better, to experience more, imagine more, say more. Even for my other blog, I'm not much of a writer. But I find talking about films far more interesting. And learning that there are some people who visit FF. It gives me the will to continue on.
As far as films go, 2007 was the year of the sequels. Most of them missed the mark however. 2008 will see more film sequels come forth, The Dark Knight being the most hyped one. I am all excited about it already.
For the next year, what can I expect? Hopefully, not more of the same. I do realize that I want things to change, but at the same time not courageous enough to be more proactive. I need opportunity, and maybe a little more time. And more will power to do what's necessary. At the moment, where I stand in my life is quite good. The worst is over, but there is more coming. Not knowing what it is kinda scares me, but I'd like to believe that I can survive and make it better, with a little help from the man upstairs.
To all my friends, who are on the links list, who aren't on the links list, to those who've never heard of me, or cared, to those who just stumbled upon FF or this blog, to those that I love and care about who don't even know of this place, I wish you all a happy 2008. God speed.
1 comment:
HAPPY NEW YEAR, Aaron! I hope year 2008 brings you a lot of happiness and wonderful moments! Hugs!
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