I am aware of some people who aren't the celebrating kind, who would scoff at days like Xmas or other celebrations of the same sort. Some are of the opinion that Xmas has become much too commercialised, that it has somehow extended beyond tradition, and the only thing associated with Xmas these days are shopping, gifts and photo ops with Santa.
Well, who could blame them? It is true to some extent. And the world has changed a lot. People these days can get really disconnected from each other. They don't want to spend time with family and friends, exchange gifts, talk about the good old days and all that. Everyone wants to be alone, or are used to being alone.

It's a real pity, because the way the world is today, we need each other now more than ever. I am well aware that hardly anyone ever comes to this little blog of mine anymore, but anyone who reads this will agree that the world is a crazy place. Time is our greatest villain, it just doesn't stop bringing the pain in so many different forms. Crime, violence, hate. It's all out there.
And here we are, trying so hard to survive, and losing the good fight. Letting pride run our lives instead of common sense. What have we become?
OK, I should stop preaching. It's Xmas, not Oprah having Aung San Suu Kyi on her show or anything. The point is, we should all take this day and feel good about it. Celebrate it, for any kind of reason. If you don't believe in Xmas, then celebrate it as a day that you're alive and well. You skeptics would probably tell me that you can pick any other day to celebrate that. Well, I say, pick this day. You don't have to be with someone to celebrate. Just give yourself a nice treat and smile. Can't be too hard, now can it?
Anyway, feast your eyes on some of the pics I took over the past week at some shopping malls in my city. Great decorations, aren't they? I particularly liked the giant toy soldier here, really awesome.
Merry Christmas everyone.

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