Sunday, September 16, 2007


Do you know how much a blood test costs? It's quite expensive. I got myself a blood test today, along with a urine test and an ultrasound. Why? Well, let's just say that I've been having doubts about my health this week, and I needed to be sure that I was okay.

The thing is, no one really knows how healthy they are. They may look and feel fine, but then again, there might be something lurking beneath the surface. Something they didn't know about. Something they didn't anticipate. And by the time it's discovered, it may turn out to be serious. So timing plays a big role in all this. You gotta know these things in advance, and the best way to do that is to have a doctor check you out. And you have to stop assuming that just because you feel healthy and live healthy, you're okay. You may not be.

I went to the cinema today and watched Fracture. Didn't quite live up to my expectations. I will write about it soon. Walked around the malls looking for stuff, but didn't find anything, though I was supposed to buy myself a new pair of shoes. As of right now I only have one pair, the pair that weighs a ton and hurts so much walking in them. The other pair gave out last Tuesday.

Been doing lots of thinking. And praying too. Don't know if it means anything, or if it'll make a difference later. The one thing I wish I could do, but can't at the moment, is get more sleep. I'm in that spell again, where I keep waking up at the wrong time. I hate that.

This week I also discovered the brand new trailer for the film that will kick off next year's summer blockbusters. It's yet another Marvel comicbook adaptation, and it really looks promising. Check it out, guys. God speed.

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