Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Finally there's a poster for Resident Evil: Extinction. I was beginning to think they forgot to make one for it. Resident Evil isn't one of the more well-known trilogies making an impact this year at the movies, compared to others like Spider-Man and Pirates Of The Carribean, but I am looking forward to this third instalment of the zombie franchise.

If you're wondering why I'm starting this entry with something that looks like it belongs on the other blog, well it's because I don't really know what to write in here. I've left FR alone for far too long. I'm currently at a loss as to what to talk about. Does that mean I'm finally happy, till I have no more complaints? No, on the contrary. My life is currently going through some turbulence, and I'm fighting to stay ahead of things. I don't like the feeling, but I do know that if I make it to the end in one piece, I'll be happy again.

It's been really hard lately. Getting sleep, eating right, trying not to worry myself to death. I fell sick twice in two weeks. I'm better now, but it may just come back soon enough. It's quite unusual, and embarassing as well for me, because I do know that if any other person were experiencing what I am going through now, they wouldn't have any problems. They'd just live their lives like it was any other day. I guess I'm not as tough as I should be.

A lot of times, I do find solace in here. The virtual world. Where things aren't as visibly cruel as the real world. Where I find people from around the earth to converse with, to laugh with and learn from. But I know I can't rely on them forever. In the end, they will not be here for me. They can't always help me. But rest assured dear readers, if you are a friend of mine, you've done enough for me by making time to read this or spend some time with me in a chatroom. I thank you all for that.

So when all else fails, what's left? TV, perhaps. I was overjoyed to discover this week, that Lost will return with Season 3 in June. Best news I've heard all week. Gives me something to look forward to. Having that is important, as a good friend once said to me.

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