If you're wondering why I'm starting this entry with something that looks like it belongs on the other blog, well it's because I don't really know what to write in here. I've left FR alone for far too long. I'm currently at a loss as to what to talk about. Does that mean I'm finally happy, till I have no more complaints? No, on the contrary. My life is currently going through some turbulence, and I'm fighting to stay ahead of things. I don't like the feeling, but I do know that if I make it to the end in one piece, I'll be happy again.
It's been really hard lately. Getting sleep, eating right, trying not to worry myself to death. I fell sick twice in two weeks. I'm better now, but it may just come back soon enough. It's quite unusual, and embarassing as well for me, because I do know that if any other person were experiencing what I am going through now, they wouldn't have any problems. They'd just live their lives like it was any other day. I guess I'm not as tough as I should be.
A lot of times, I do find solace in here. The virtual world. Where things aren't as visibly cruel as the real world. Where I find people from around the earth to converse with, to laugh with and learn from. But I know I can't rely on them forever. In the end, they will not be here for me. They can't always help me. But rest assured dear readers, if you are a friend of mine, you've done enough for me by making time to read this or spend some time with me in a chatroom. I thank you all for that.
So when all else fails, what's left? TV, perhaps. I was overjoyed to discover this week, that Lost will return with Season 3 in June. Best news I've heard all week. Gives me something to look forward to. Having that is important, as a good friend once said to me.
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