I just thought I'd share that picture with you before getting down to a more serious discussion. For those of you who know me very well, you know I have only two idols in music. You also know who they are. Ever since a good friend of mine introduced me to the community that exists within the fanbase of these two artistes, I've never stopped being a part of their forums and having my say in most of the discussions that take place.
I had recently visited one of their forums and felt very distraught to discover that something is happening yet again. Arguments. Discord. Mud-slinging. Name-calling. Comparisons. Criticisms. Words used to negatively describe someone, in the worst way. It's happened in the past, and now once more. And for the life of me, I don't know why.
All it takes is for someone to start a thread on one of the artistes in question in her former partner's forum, and this happens. Suddenly everyone jumps on the bandwagon and speaks their mind on how bad this artiste is. They make comparisons and state their reasons and sum up why their number one idol is so many times better than their former idol. Blah blah blah. God, I am so sick of all this crap.
And don't get me wrong, dear readers. I totally understand their arguments. I understand why they think that way. I comprehend their points and thoughts. What I simply do not get is the need to repeat all this again, to regurgigate the past that has already been said. And it's odd, because a year ago, most of these people loved her so much. Now, thanks to an image change, a few negative vibes here and there and a controversial video, they put her down harshly. And like I said, I understand. Some people's loyalty can be so easy to sway, not mine however. And they have the right to think that way, because some of it may be true.
But why start this again? At her former partner's forum of all places? Why there? Is it because there's nowhere else to say them? Nowhere else neutral? Her former partner's forum is hardly neutral to begin with, and she did not build the forum so that people can go there and take a swing at her former partner. It's so that people can talk about her and her music. I admit, it would be hard to talk about her without mentioning her past affiliation, but the current negative vibes from the other end can be ignored or avoided.
All this is happening because a lot of people think that just because they have an opinion, they have a right to voice it. But the question is, does everyone want to hear it? Opinions differ, but they need not be repeated again and again like a broken record. You've made your point. Let's move on. I know how you feel about this person, really. So let's not go there. Not only because it's ugly, but because it's unnecessary.
I loved the previous forum. It was almost inactive, save for a dozen of us who kept it alive in the name of our idol. I was one of them. And yes, we had a hacker/spammer in our midst, but the rest of us got rid of him, and we could more or less agree with each other. And we knew where to draw the line. Now things have changed. People are angry, dissatisfied, unrelenting. The beautiful community has been replaced by mostly arrogant people who only want to be heard, no matter what the cost.
I know some of you would ask me to just leave the forum in question and never come back. Sure, I could do that. But why? Why leave the one place where I can follow the developments involving my idol? Why leave the place where I can celebrate her in the best way possible with some people there who are still friends of mine? No. I won't go. Maybe I'll be more silent. But I'm not leaving. I am still bitter about what's going on, and being even more frustrated that there is very little that I can do about it. I just wish some people would learn that there are more important things in life than stating opinions, especially if their opinions are neither original or constructive.
By the way, today is the 18th birthday of my friend Anouk. If you're reading this, Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great celebration;)
Hi Aaron, thank you so much! I'm having a nice birthday so far.
And to respond to the thing about 'that artist' (yes I know who you mean):
I totally agree with you. You know I haven't been her biggest fan either (though I still like the music, don't get me wrong), but I find it extremely childish and immature that people are still getting down on her for basicly nothing. If you don't like her, don't listen to her music and just shut your mouth. Those people are only annoying to the ones who do like her music and the world doesn't get a better place by it anyway.
Oh... and she's in the Dutch top 40 now :P maybe you wanted to know that.
I agree with Anouk.
It's indeed childish and stupid.
Who cares if they don't like her music or her style? And well, no one are impressed with their big words. Words they probably can't stand for in the end anyway.
Most of the time, it's like a competition between "them" on who can say the most bad words in one sentence. Basically, they got nothing better to do. And it makes them look stupid, not Marion.
I'll probably go see that movie hehe. With my cousin! Yuuppiieee!
It's being released July 2007 right?
That's right, Mayleen. Harry Potter is coming;)
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