Look at the names of the people in my links section. They're all good at something, did you know that? Good at things fueled by inspiration. One of them writes great poetry, another draws really awesome art, one is a musician and one more.....he's good with computers. That's his gift. And that is something. But me? I can't do any of these well. I can write poetry, but I haven't in a while. I can't draw (had to take tuition just to pass art class in school), I can't play music (haven't had a proper lesson since I was 12) and I'm not good with computers. I can assemble hardware perfectly, but that's it. And you know what? I'm okay with this. Because it all comes down to whether you have it or you don't. And I don't, obviously. I've accepted that. But I still need to write this blog haha. And therein lies the problem.
Been looking around the blog community and discovering things. Someone I know had a blog all along and I didn't know it. And someone has restarted her blog. But no, I'm not in competition with anyone. All this however is driving me to put something in here. FR is here for a reason, and there are times I don't know why. (Yeah, I know I sound confused, because I am) Perhaps all this time I didn't think of putting some stuff in here that would make it worthwhile to read. Stuff that would seem dull to some people. I envy Mayleen in this sense. She can make something out of nothing as far as writing blogs go. Something so basic can sound so beautiful in her hands.
Well, my week has been fascinating. Some good developments, some more thinking, and more freezing experiences at work. So yes, it's wonderful. Haha.
By the way, if you're wondering about the picture, it's a poster for a movie to be released next year: Transformers. I was a huge fan of the cartoon when I was a kid. It was so popular that the toyline is still being sold today, in different incarnations however. And now, they're going to make a live action film out of it. I'm still wondering how it's going to look like. More food for thought? Hopefully.
Hi storebror Aaron. Hvordan har du det? I hope you are doing good
First of all. You are writing that you're one of those who are not good at anything. what? why? That's not true at all. You're good at plenty of things. We can't all be good at the SAME thing, of course, then the world wouldn't go around like it does. Because we'd all be a bunch of writers haha or a bunch of doctors! lol.
So the conclusion is that even though we're not good at the same things, we're all good at something and for something.
And let me just tell you something I think you are good at, in my eyes.
1) Being a good friend.
- Now, you may think that everyone knows how to be a good friend, but that's far from the truth. It's not something that comes easy for everyone. It takes patience, understanding, devotion and honesty and not to mention, the ability to care for people just the way they are. Regardless of flaws and mistakes.
2) You have an eye for details.
- Something I wish I had.
3) You ARE a great writer.
- Your blog is awesome. I love reading it. You're very fascinating!
4) Making other people feel appreciated.
- This might be your specialty.
5) You're good at doing your job, you're a great son and brother.
- This may not be something you would consider as something to be good at, because it's not a talent, right?
But that's where people are wrong. It may not be a talent, but it's not something to take for granted! These things matters a lot. It's the most important things in life. To be good to your family and friends. Either you have it or you don't, and you have it!
6) You assemble hardware perfectly
- Hey, I can't do that! hahaha!
You know, you can always start with music lessons now. It's never too late storebror. The only one stopping you, is you.
You are your own worst enemy. And you are being too hard on yourself. You posses a lot of great qualities. You have a lot to offer to the world and to some lucky woman, you haven't met yet. And to your friends. To your family. To your coworkers.
Believe it. Go ahead. Believe in yourself
Don't go thinking "I cant do that" just do it. Try it. And if you fail, then okay, you tried, you failed and you got up again :)
But don't limit yourself Aaron. You don't know what you can or can't do, until you have given it a chance.
You may just discover a hidden talent in yourself, by giving music or whatever it must be, a chance. :)
And remember, don't compare yourself to the best others can do,
but to the best you can do.
And aww, thank you so much for the compliment, storebror!!
GLad i deg!
Masse klemmer!!!
man, desi always write so long
i'm not good at computers. i'm just good at messing things up, and then bugging ppl for help. that, or i just abandon all hopes and hope it'd go back to normal after i hit it a few times. no, i'm not kidding
maybe a longer response later
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