Hello everyone. I don't really have a specific theme to inspire a whole entry, though a lot of things have been going on in my life lately. So I'll just give you some random thoughts and points swirling around this insane mind:
- The picture you're looking at is me and Homer Simpson. I took this picture at the movie carnival a few weeks ago. The statue is part of a huge standee promoting The Simpsons Movie, and they have the same thing at some cineplexes in the city. A few days ago, one of the cineplexes reported that their Homer statue had been stolen. No kidding. They even had a CCTV picture of two men carrying Homer out and loading it into the trunk of a car. So far, the police haven't recovered him yet, but the film distributors are offering a reward for his return. I have no idea why anyone would want to steal Homer, but if it were me, I'd take Bart. He'd be so much easier to carry.
- I heard that there's a dengue epidemic in Singapore, due to the fact that it's pretty hot there right now. Great. As if global warming isn't bad enough, now there's a disease going around. And there's the bird flu too. I'd move to Norway, but Mayleen says it's hot there as well. But hey, KL isn't so bad. It's been raining almost every evening here lately, so it's kinda cool, but not when it's time to go home from work.
- I'm starting to get the hang of my new job, but somehow I still miss the old office. I just can't help it. I guess it's because I spent over 4 years there. It still feels like home. It wasn't perfect, and I wasn't the popular guy there, but I felt like I belonged there. The people there feel like family. And though this new job is good, and the people are nice, I still think of my past home, and how they're doing now. I know I shouldn't miss them too much, they probably don't miss me.
- She's still on my mind. It's been four months since I last saw her, but I haven't forgotten her sweet face. That smile of hers...it's like it's been burned in my memory. I do know that one of the reasons she's still there in my head is because I want her there. I may never know why our paths crossed, but I do know I want to see her again. Just to know how she is now. In the meantime, I'm still feeding off my imagination when it comes to her. That will do for now.
By the way I've been updating my other blog, so please drop by whenever you can. Hope everyone's in good spirits, catch you later.