She's one of those people I know I can count on. In our little crazy and unpredictable world, we need people. Yeah, you know the saying: no man is an island. We need friends, colleagues, family and even the good samaritan who's a stranger on the street from time to time, depending on the situation.
Yet sadly, the world is changing. And with that change, the people around you change too. Sometimes the good ones will leave you, maybe unintentionally. Sometimes it's deliberate, sometimes they just become the enemy all of a sudden.
Today I had to say goodbye to another colleague at the office. I seem to be losing a lot of good colleagues over the 3 years I've worked there. She and I weren't friends, but we talked whenever we passed each other, and she left a good impression on me. She was a polite and good-natured person, and that's enough to make me remember her after she's gone.
There are some people who you hardly had the time to know, but you somehow remember even after a long time. This brings me back to a girl I knew when I first joined the company. She was resigning in a month at the time, and it was her job that I would be doing. So she taught me everything, and helped me out whenever I needed it. And she always did it with a smile. That's what I liked about her. So it was very heartbreaking for me when I found out a month after she had left, that she had committed suicide. I am still uncertain as to what drove her to such a desperate act, but I felt sad, because she was a wonderful human being that didn't deserve that fate. I only knew her for a short time, but I was affected by it. I still think of her sometimes, whenever I hear her name.
I guess at the end of the day, we all need to know the right people. We need to know who to count on, who to keep close to our hearts and who to remember till the end. We also need to let them know how important they are to us. Sooner or later, the world will change the scenario, and people whom you thought you knew will just evolve and walk away. But I am glad that some people still haven't changed. And it is for them that I shall stay the same.
1 comment:
Wow,sometimes your posts impress me a little.
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