The plan was to go to Sentosa Island. This place was Singapore's equivalent to Malaysia's Genting Highlands, where people could gamble and take theme park rides all day.
So off we went, taking the MRT to Vivo City, the shopping mall where we could board the monorail that will take us to the island. Once we got there, we started taking pictures of the place, but I was getting less and less enthusiastic. The fever sapped all my strength, and I just didn't have it in me to keep up with them. As a result, my sister couldn't go into Universal Studios as she didn't want to go in without me. The tickets were expensive and I didn't want to waste my money going in and then spending the time on a bench, so we decided not to go in at all. We got some souvenirs at a nice little gift shop, before I persuaded my family to let me take the train back to the mall so that I could find a place for lunch.
Once back there, I realized that I didn't have the appetite for anything, even though I was starving. God I hate it when I lose my ability to eat. So I decided to walk around a bit, and I found a DVD store ;) My one weakness. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the Fight Club DVD staring back at me as I browsed the shelves. I had been looking for this for years. I also found The Punisher and Steven Spielberg's Munich. Oh yeah, this is awesome. But I was still sick.
I found a Kim Gary restaurant to have lunch at. This happens to be a place I liked going to back in KL. However, the loss of appetite made it hard for me to finish my bowl of noodles. I tried my best though. After meeting up with my family again, I told them I wanted to go back to the hotel to rest.
So I got back, took some Panadol and slept for about 3-4 hours. It wasn't even a smooth nap, the fever kept waking me up. My mum was worried about me and wanted to take me to the clinic next door, but I told her it was closed at that hour. That night I could only eat some cakes for dinner, couldn't eat much else. And later that night, the diarrhea started. It got messy. Awful way to spend a vacation, but at this point it was almost over.
More pics here: