Monday, December 15, 2008

Things That Make You Go 'Wow'

In case you haven't heard, or haven't watched the world news, George W. Bush was in Iraq, and at a press conference, one of the journalists took off his shoes and threw it at the former US president. Bush dodged the first one, and the second missed him by inches. Here, take a look:

HBO was playing this old Jean-Claude Van Damme action film called Sudden Death, about a fireman who takes his kids to an ice hockey game, only to run into terrorists who holds the US Vice President hostage there. There's a scene where Van Damme fights a woman who is dressed in a penguin suit. It looks kinda funny but is pretty cool to watch:

On another note, and I know some of you really don't give a shit about this because you're not a wrestling fan; my favourite star, Jeff Hardy has finally won the world championship, after numerous tries. It's about damn time, because I was starting to think he'd never be able to do it, but he finally triumphed. Congratulations Jeff (even though all this is scripted, I know lol)

You know what else makes me go wow? My current favourite song, Decode by Paramore. It's from the soundtrack to the film Twilight, and I know at least one reader of my little blog enjoys it too. If you haven't seen Twilight, go see it. It's rad;) Enjoy the song.

1 comment:

rhEa said...

*ehem* Decode! It rocks!! \m/