Monday, December 8, 2008

Role Reversal

It's nice to see her smile again.

Mind you, this is something that didn't happen often back in the day. But now, I guess I can safely say that this person is more or less content with the way things are, and has found a significant amount of peace in her heart.

Unlike me.

To say that I am satisfied with my life is not accurate no matter which year you ask me of. But the good thing was, I was able to ignore it for the most part, and just accept what life dealt to me.

Now, it's different. I've got things on my mind. Things that I know I can handle. And other things that I used to not worry about, yet now I do. I'm still not letting it get the better of me, but it's not easy.

The truth is, everyone around you will disappoint you, sooner or later. Sometimes intentionally, sometimes not. And you have to learn how to handle it. Yet somehow, I still stand by the way I treat my friends. No amount of hell will change me. Call it stubbornness, call it undivided loyalty, call it blind faith. I don't care.

Anyway, I'm mentioning the fact that things have changed, better for someone, not so good for me. But that's okay. Just like someone I know, I'm not a quitter.

A new year is on the horizon. Maybe my luck will change again.

1 comment:

rhEa said...

I wonder who this gurl is. Hmm.. :s
Hey, I wish to see her smile, too :p