I don't know about you guys, but May is one hot month for me. It's scorching hot in the afternoon, and it carries on all day, right through the night. I start sweating even as I step out of the shower. It's insane, and it's not right. It's probably the global warming everyone's talking about these days. The end may come sooner than we think. I sure hope not.
The world is crazy as it is hot. Some Arsenal football fan in Kenya hung himself after his favourite team lost to Manchester United recently. Sigh. Someone who feels so passionate about football should hone his skills in it as a tribute to his team, not give away his life over a game lost.
And then there's the dangerous part. If you're a Malaysian, you'd probably heard about two snatch thefts occuring in a matter of two days, which took the lives of two pregnant women and their unborn child. This unfortunately, is the way things are over here. This is how crime does its worst and the innocents suffer. Sometimes taking precaution isn't enough, because shit happens and there are times when we're not ready for it, or the steps we took weren't enough to protect us from harm. These are the moments when I wonder if God had a reason for these things happening, and what it may be.
Lots of things to ponder and mull over, but I admit I don't really have the time for it. I can't let myself get distracted too much. I just wish the world would learn to get along and stop thinking of themselves or be so selfish all the time. Then maybe I'll get some peace.
In other developments, I've been looking high and low for TV boxsets for Dexter, but I just can't find any. I wouldn't have to do this if the local TV channel didn't suddenly decide to air Dexter at midnight on a weeknight. Morons. Do they actually think that people would sacrifice an hour's worth of sleep, or more depending on when your bedtime is, just to watch a TV show, if they needed to work the next day? Put it on a weekend night, is that so much to ask???
Oh, I wanted to tell you this earlier, but....I got Marit Larsen's second CD! Whoo! Imagine my surprise when I saw it at the record store last week. I was like, no way! I purchased it immediately, and now it's mine. I admit, I haven't played it yet, but only because I already have all the tracks on my computer (if you're reading this Anouk, thanks again!). I still want this CD though, it's like having a piece of Marit all for yourself. I just wish she would team up with Marion again and make another record. But those days may never come again.
I think I'll go watch some wrestling. Tomorrow it's a trip to the temple, and Sunday I'm going where no one has gone before, on Star Trek that is. Enjoy your weekend, and don't forget to celebrate your mothers while you're at it.
Global warning isn't happening in Holland I'm afraid, the weathers pretty bad here unfortunately!
The world is insane, people are driving themselves nuts like that Arsenal fan. We just need to enjoy our own life even though some football match is going pretty bad. Though I like Manchester way more!
haha marit x best. ;)
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