Sunday, March 1, 2009


I can no longer speak, or write this blog the same way I used to. Do you recall how I first started Familiar Refrain? It wasn't the best written blog there was, but back then I wouldn't hesitate too much, or be too lazy to put my thoughts down on it.

Now, what is there left to say or do?

Too much has changed. The status quo has altered. And what once was is no longer there. Even my readers have diminished, probably because I let them down, more so than this blog has. And because of that, I no longer have the enthusiasm to put my emotions into this thing, to tell you all what plagues my troubled mind.

What worries me is that my top concern at the moment refers to not being heard. I'd talk about that here, but no one will hear me, will they?

I'm so tired. Tired of the way things have become. And on top of that, I have so much to do, and every day it saps my strength. Takes me to the limit.

And there are still many people that I miss. I'm tired of feeling that way, but I refuse to let them go.

I have an upcoming trip in a few days. I doubt it will help change the way I feel now. At best, it'll distract me for a while. But there is only one cure for what I have. And it's beyond my reach right now.

Perhaps the only thing I can wish for at this point, is to have just a little bit of happiness that everyone else has. Then maybe feeling all this fatigue will be worth it.

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